Company Overview

Company Overview

Location :

SWIFT's manufacturing unit is based in Pune, India. The location has the advantage of an availability of skilled professionals to meet complex requirements of production and quality. Accessibility to constant, non-polluted clean water supply and trained professionals made this an ideal location for setting up the manufacturing unit.

There are very good connections by road to major cities like Mumbai, Nasik etc. Proximity to Mumbai and other major cities in Maharashtra provides an excellent advantage for product distribution to all Domestic and International clients.

Premises :

The salient features of premises include but are not limited to

  • SS-Manufacturing Equipments
  • Unidirectional flow of materials
  • Separate Personnel& Material Entry
  • Adequate space to avoid any mix-ups and cross contamination
  • Well Marked Areas & Walk-ways
  • State of the Art- QC Laboratory
  • ISO Certified Premises
  • GMP Compliance Certification

The plant is designed to meet compliance to the latest requirements of WHO-GMP.

Personnel :

Scientific Teams specialise in:

  • Product Formulation, R&D Practices
  • Good Manufacturing Practices, Good Laboratory Practices
  • Dealing with Regulatory Agencies
  • Management teams excel in:

  • Business Administration & Management
  • Project Management
  • Programme Management
  • Production Staff have substantial experience in:

  • Standard Operating Procedure and Policy
  • Managing and maintenance of safety standards