Product Range

Product Range

Sr. Brand Name Description Application Presentation Additional Information
1 SVITMIN- Chelated SVITMIN- Chelated POWDER 1kg, 5kg, 10kg Additional Information

Composition Quantity Unit

Each kg contains
Vitamin A 20,00,000 I.U.
Vitamin D3 4,00,000 I.U.
Vitamin E 300 I.U.
Vitamin B12 0.24 mg
Vitamin B2 0.8 gm
Vitamin K 0.4 gm
C.D.P. 1 gm
Choline Chloride 60 gm
Calcium 300 gm
Iron 3 gm
Copper 80 gm
Cobalt 0.180 mg
Selenium 40 mg
Zinc 9.6 gm
Sulphur 7.2 mg
Potassium 100 mg
Iodine 25 mg
Nicotinamide 4 gm
Phosphorous 12.50 %
Magnesium 1.5 gm


Administration of Svitmin in feed ensures
Faster weight gain and better FCR.
Prolonged Peak Production.
Improved hatch-ability and egg shell quality.
Prevention of leg weakness & Fatty Liver Syndrome.
Better health Maintenance and Increased Production.

Recommended Mixing/Dosage

Poultry : Add 250gm
Layers & Growers : Svitmin to 100 kg of Feed
Starters, Finishers : Add 250gm
Breeders : 50 Kg of feed
Live Stock
Cattle,Sheep,Goalts and
Pig Finishers: Add 250gm to 100kg of Feed
Pig Starters: Add 250gm 50kg of Feed
Cow,Buffalo,Pig : 25 gm/day
Sheep,Goat,Calf : 10 gm/day
2 POWERMIN Highly Concentrated Trace Mineral Mixture POWDER 1kg, 5kg, 10kg Additional Information

Composition Quantity Unit

Each 1 kg contains(at actual)
Moisture(%)Max 5
Calcium (%)Max 18.837
Phosphorous(%)Max 9.280
Sodium(%)Max 9.006
Iron (%)Max 0.400
Manganese(%)Max 0.995
Zinc(%)Max 0.300
Copper (%)Max 0.060
Cobalt (%)Max 0.009
Iodine(%)Max 0.020
Fluorine(%)Max 0.052
Acid Insoluble Ash(%)Max 3.0
Total Ash (%)Max 78-85
Lead(ppm)Max 22
Arsenic(ppm)Max 8


Provides essential minerals & trace elements as a routine
feed supplement to maintain general health in cattle. Prevents & corrects trace minerals deficiencies.
Helps to improve conception rate, fertility & reproductivity.
Very effective during pregnancy & lactation period.
Improves immunity,Reduces stress in all stressful conditions.
Useful in rapid recovery of dairy animal disorders
Maintains skeletal structure i.e. strengthens the bones & bone tendons.
Increases milk yield in lactating animals.
Improves growth performance & individual productivity of the animal.

Recommended Mixing/Dosage

Cattles: 50gm/Day or as advised by Veterinarian as per Animal requirement
3 PROENZ GOLD Probiotics, Enzymes & Amino Acids Concentrate POWDER 1 Kg Additional Information

Composition Quantity Unit

Each 1kg Contains
Saccharomyces cerevisiae SC-47 400000 million CFU
Lactobacillus Acidophillus 40000 million CFU
Lactobacillus Sporegenes 40000 million CFU
Amino Acids 25 gm
Liver Extract 500 mg
Fungal Diastase 5 gm
Excipients q.s.


Improves and Maintains Milk yield.
Optimizes reproductive performance of buffaloes & cows.

Recommended Mixing/Dosage

Add 1 to 1.5 kg Proenz Gold to
1 ton of feed or 10 gm daily.
4 POWERMIN-BR Highly Concentrated Chelated Trace Mineral Mixture POWDER 1kg, 5 kg, 10kg Additional Information

Composition Quantity Unit

Each 1kg Contains(at actual)
Manganese 100 gm
Zinc 100 gm
Copper 20 gm
Iron 110 gm
Iodine 2 gm
Cobalt 0.45 gm
Selenium 0.50 gm


POWERMIN-BR is a blend of micro fined mineral
micro nutrient concentrate for poultry .
Prevents & corrects trace mineral deficiencies.
Maintains Health and Improves Immunity.

Recommended Mixing/Dosage

Add 1kg/Ton of feed
5 POWERMIN-L Highly Concentrated Trace Mineral Mixture POWDER 25kg Additional Information

Composition Quantity Unit

Each 1kg Contains
Manganese 80 gm
Zinc 80 gm
Copper 15 gm
Iron 60 gm
Iodine 1 gm
Cobalt 0.60 gm
Selenium 0.30 gm


POWERMIN-L is a blend of micro fined mineral micro
nutrient concentrate for poultry and live stock.
Prevents & corrects trace mineral deficiencies.
Maintains Health and Improves Immunity

Recommended Mixing/Dosage

Add 1kg/Ton of feed
6 SWITLIV Liquid Feed Supplement SUSPENSION 5 Ltr Additional Information

Composition Quantity Unit

Each 30ml contains
Ferric Chloride 80 mg
Thiamine Hydrochloride(B1) 5 mg
Riboflavine(B2) 5 mg
Nicotinamide 45 mg
Calcium 300 mg
Yeast Extract 40 mg
Choline Chloride 10 mg
Fresh Liver Extract 150 mg


Veterinary Feed Supplement

Recommended Mixing/Dosage

Cattle/Horse : 50ml Twice Daily
Calves,Foals,Sheep,Goat&Pigs:25ml Twice Daily
Dogs:10ml Twice Daily
Poultry:(for each 100birds)
Chicks:10ml Twice Daily
Growers & Broilers:20ml Twice Daily
Layers:50ml Twice Daily
7 AMVIBOOST PLUS AD3-Probiotic Powder POWDER 1 kg Additional Information

Composition Quantity Unit

Each 5gm. contains
Vitamin A 2,50,000 I.U.
Vitamin D3 50,000 I.U.
Vitamin E 250 mg
Live Yeast Culture 0.50 mg
Live Lactobacillus
Sporogenes Culture 1,50,000 C.F.U
Lactobacillus Acidophillus 1,50,000 C.F.U
Amino Acids 125 mg
Liver Extract 125 mg
Alpha Amylast 0.05 mg
Selenium 50 mcg
Biotin 10 mg


Administration of Amviboost powder in Feed ensures
Stabilizes Ruminal pH between 6.2-6.7
Increases population of Cellulolytic bacteria which
converts fibre into propionates for extra lactose.
Enhances Production of Acetates
Increases milk proteins.
Improves milk production.
Improves fertility, thus ensuring a calf Every year.

Recommended Mixing/Dosage

Large Animals:5gm daily
Small Animals:2.5gm daily
8 POWERMIN-B POWDER 25 kg Additional Information

Composition Quantity Unit

Each 1kg Contains(at actual)
Manganese 90 gm
Zinc 80 gm
Copper 15 gm
Iron 90 gm
Iodine 2 gm
Cobalt 0.60 gm
Selenium 0.30 gm


POWERMIN-B PLUS is a blend of micro fined mineral micro nutrient concentrate for poultry and live stock.
Prevents & corrects trace mineral deficiencies.
Maintains Health and Improves Immunity

Recommended Mixing/Dosage

Regular use-1kg/Ton of feed
9 POWERMIN-L PLUS POWDER 25 kg Additional Information

Composition Quantity Unit

Each 1kg Contains(at actual)
Manganese 100 gm
Zinc 85 gm
Copper 18 gm
Iron 96 gm
Iodine 1.8 gm
Cobalt 0.60 gm
Selenium 0.50 gm


POWERMIN-L PLUS is a blend of micro fined mineral
micro nutrient concentrate for poultry and live stock.
Prevents & corrects trace mineral deficiencies.
Maintains Health and Improves Immunity

Recommended Mixing/Dosage

Regular use-1kg/Ton of feed
10 SWITCAL Calcium,Phosphorous, Vit D3 & B12 with Energy SUSPENSION 1Ltr, 5Ltr, 10Ltr, 20Ltr Additional Information

Composition Quantity Unit

Nutritional value per 20 ml
Calcium 325.6 mg
Phosphorous 167.7 mg
Vit. D3 1600 I.U.
Vit.D12 20 mcg
Asparagus Racemoces 200 mg
Jeevanti 60 mg


Veterinary Feed Supplement

Recommended Mixing/Dosage

Cattle/Horse : 100-120ml Daily for 8-10 days
Pets:100-120ml Daily for 8-10days
Poultry:per 100birds
Chicks:10ml Daily for 8-10 days
Growers/Broilers:100-120ml daily for 8-10days
Layers:50ml daily for 8-10days
11 SWITCAL Calcium, DI-ACID Phosphates with Energy SUSPENSION 1 Ltr Additional Information

Composition Quantity Unit

Each Ltr contains
Phosphorus 35 gm
Calcium 103 gm
Magnesium 108 gm
Sodium 45.2 gm
Manganase 10.8 gm
Zinc 10.2 gm
Copper 2.5 gm
Cobalt 0.1 gm


Veterinary Feed Supplement

Recommended Mixing/Dosage

Cattle/Horse : 100-120ml Daily for 8-10 days
Pets:100-120ml Daily for 8-10days
Poultry:per 100birds
Chicks:10ml Daily for 8-10 days
Growers/Broilers:100-120ml daily for 8-10days
Layers:50ml daily for 8-10days
12 SWITCAL CHELATED-Calcium,Phosphorous, Vit D3 with Energy LIQUID 1 Ltr Additional Information

Composition Quantity Unit

Each Ltr contains
CALCIUM 35000 mg
VIT D3 150000 IU
COBALT 50 mg
COPPER 1.2 mg
IODINE 59 mg


Veterinary Feed Supplement

Recommended Mixing/Dosage

Cattle/Horse : 100-120ml Daily for 8-10 days
Pets:100-120ml Daily for 8-10days
Poultry:per 100birds
Chicks:10ml Daily for 8-10 days
Broilers:100-120ml daily for 8-10days
Layers:50ml daily for 8-10days
13 POLYSVIT Liquid Feed Supplements of Vitamins SUSPENSION 500ml,1 Ltr Additional Information

Composition Quantity Unit

Each ml contains
Vitamin A 50,000 I.U
Vitamin D3 10,000 I.U
Vitamin E 48 mg
Vitamin B12 20 mcg


Veterinary Feed Supplement

Recommended Mixing/Dosage

Cattle:10ml Daily for 6 days
Calves:5ml Daily for 6 days
Poultry:In all stress condition
Chicks:5ml/100 Birds for 7 days
Growers:7ml/100 Birds for 7 days
Layers:10ml/ 100 Birds for 7 days
14 REORA LIQUID 1 Ltr, 5Ltr Additional Information

Composition Quantity Unit

Each 100ml contains
Calcium Lactate 0.1200 gm
Potassium Chloride 1.8625 gm
Magnesium Sulphate 0.3000 gm
Sodium Chloride 0.2923 gm
Sodium Acid Phosphate 0.6240 gm
Sodium Citrate 4.2153 gm
Dextrose Monohydrate 40.00 gm


Veterinary Feed Supplement

Recommended Mixing/Dosage

Calves:100ml daily for 5 days
Cows/Boffaloes/Horses:500ml. Daily for 5days
Dogs:100 to120 daily
Horses immediately after racing or heavy exercise:200ml
POULTRY:Per 1000 Birds
15 AMVIBOOST Probiotics, Enzymes & Trace Mineral Concentrate BOLUS 20 Strips of 4 Bolus each Additional Information

Composition Quantity Unit

Each bolus provides:
Live yeast culture 3 gm
Liver Extract 5 mg
Live lactobacillus sporogenes 20 million CFU
Amino acids 2 gm
Excipients q.s.


Veterinary Feed Supplement

Recommended Mixing/Dosage

Large Animals:1-2 bolus daily for 3-5days
Small Animals:1/2bolus daily for 3-5days
16 SVITMIN Sustained Acting Vitamins & Minerals BOLUS 20 Strips of 4 Bolus each Additional Information

Composition Quantity Unit

Each bolus provides:
Vitamin A 1000 I.U
Vitamin D3 500 I.U
Vitamin E 20 mg
Cobalt 0.056 gm
Copper 0.700 gm
Iodine 0.140 gm
Iron 0.400 gm
Manganese 0.560 gm
Selenium 0.004 gm
Zinc 0.280 gm


Improves and Maintains milk yield.
Optimises reproductive performance of Cows & Buffaloes.

Recommended Mixing/Dosage

One bolus daily for a week.
17 SWITCAL BOLUS As required Additional Information

Composition Quantity Unit

Each bolus provides:
Calcium 1700 mg
Phosphorous 850 mg
Vitamin D3 8000 I.U
Vitamin D12 100 mcg
Asparagus Racemoses 1 gm


Veterinary Feed Supplement

Recommended Mixing/Dosage

Large Animals:1-2 bolus daily for 8-10 days.
Small Animals: 1-2 bolus daily for 8-10 days.
Poultry: Per 100 birds 2-4 bolus.
18 SABVIT BOLUS As required Additional Information

Composition Quantity Unit

Each bolus provides:
Elemental Calcium(Derived from Oyster Shell) 2000 ml
Zinc Sulphate(In Sustained Release From) 100 mg
Ferrous Sulphate(In Sustained Release From) 600 mg
Magnesium Oxide 20 mg
Thiamine Mononitrate 8 mg
Vitamin E Acetate 40 mg
Vitamin B2 8 mg
Vitamin B12 5 mg
Vitamin D3 1000 I.U.
Folic Acid 2 mg


Nutritional formula for better health
in Pregnant & lactating Cattle.

Recommended Mixing/Dosage

Large Animals:One bolus daily
19 E-SELEN POWDER 200gm Additional Information

Composition Quantity Unit

Each gm provides:
Vitamin E 17 IU
Selenium 150 mcg


Increases milk yield in lactating animals
Improves the growth performance & individual productivity of the animals
Helps to improve conception rate, fertility & reproductivity
Improves immunity, reduces stress in all stressful conditions.

Recommended Mixing/Dosage

50gm per day for milking animals 3-5 days